with Dr. Svetlana Papazov

Meet Svetlana

Dr. Svetlana Papazov is a thought leader, professional speaker, and senior pastor who started and led five for profit businesses, two nonprofit organizations and has written for well-known magazines such as Enrichment Journal, Leading Hearts, Vital Words and more.
Dr. Svetlana speaks to corporations and associations about leadership, team development, and employee retention. She trains business leaders and entrepreneurs to craft and deliver captivating messages. As a speaking coach and business consultant, she positions businesses for maximum profit.
What excites Dr. Svetlana the most is unleashing human potential and having a front row seat in the development of influencers. That is why she has intentionally transitioned from a life of a business owner of multiple enterprises to a life of an equipper of leaders. In 2016, she founded Real Life Church and Real Life Center for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Excellence, a first of its kind model of church and business incubator that connects faith and entrepreneurship. Her joy is to work with committed individuals who are willing to co-create beautiful futures with God.
Dr. Svetlana is a sought after professional speaker who enjoys presenting at conferences and events from coast to coast and welcomes invitations for speaking, coaching, and business consultancy. She lives near Richmond, VA with her supportive husband and has two children who are shaping into world influencers themselves. They all love their dog, Koko, the cutest Pomeranian anyone can imagine.
You can read more about Dr. Svetlana Papazov, listen to her talks and sermon series on her website SvetlanaPapazov.com, or connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.